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    时间:2016-11-24 , 作者: ,点击量:2082

    裴峥,男,1968年3月生,西华大学无线电管理技术研究中心常务副主任,博士后,教授,硕士研究生导师,四川省第九批学术与技术带头人后备人选。2004年5月西南交通大学电气学院电气工程博士后站出站并到西华大学从事教学科研工作,2005年12月破格晋升为教授。主要从事数据挖掘与知识获取、不确定性推理、逻辑代数、智能决策方法等研究。主持或主研国家自然科学基金、四川省杰出青年基金、四川省科技支撑计划、产学研项目等20 余项。发表科研论文40余篇,其中,SCI、EI检索30余篇,出版专著一部,申请专利4项。


    1. D. Meng, Z. Pei, Dynamic adaptive learning algorithm based on two-fuzzy neural networks, Neurocomputing 125 (2014) 88-94.
    2. Z. Pei, D. Ruan, D. Meng, Z. Liu, Formal concept analysis based on the topology for attributes of a formal context, Information Sciences 236 (2013) 66-82.
    3. Z. Pei, L.Zou, L. Yi, A linguistic aggregation operator including weights for linguistic values and experts in group decision making, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness And Knowledge-Based Systems 21(6) (2013) 927-943.
    4. Y. Zhang, Z. Pei, P. Shi, Association rule mining based on topology for attributes of multi-valued information systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 9(4) (2013) 1679-1690.
    5. Y. Ruan, Z. Pei, Z. Gao, Linguistic interval 2-tuple power aggregation operators and their applications, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6(2) (2013) 381-395.
    6. Z. Hu, Z. Chen, Z. Pei, X.. Ma, W. Liu, An Improved Ranking Strategy for Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6(1) (2013) 38-46.
    7. K.Y. Qin, Z. Pei, Approximation operators on complete completely distributive lattices, Information Sciences 247 (2013) 123-130.
    8. K.Y. Qin, D. Meng, Z. Pei, Y. Xu, Combination of interval set and soft set, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6(2) (2013) 370-380.
    9. D. Meng, Z. Pei, On weighted unbalanced linguistic aggregation operators in group decision making, Information Sciences 223 (2013) 31-41.
    10. Z. Pei, D. Ruan, J. Liu, Y. Xu, A linguistic aggregation operator with three kinds of weights for nuclear safeguards evaluation, Knowledge-Based Systems 28 (2012) 19-26.
    11. Z. Pei, L.Zou, H.R. Karimi, P. Shi, Consistency of probability decision rules and its inference in probability decision table, Mathematical Problem in Engineering 2012, Article ID 507857, 19 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/507857.
    12. C. Wei, Z. Pei, H. Li, An induced OWA operator in coal mine safety evaluation, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78(4) (2012)997-1005.
    13. Z. Pei, P. Shi, Fuzzy risk analysis based on linguistic aggregation operators,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 7(12) (2011) 7105-7118.
    14. Z. Pei, X. Liu, L. Zou, Extracting association rules based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 6 (6) (2010) 2567-2580.
    15. D. Meng, Z. Pei, Extracting linguistic rules from data sets using fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms, Neurocomputing 78(1) (2012) 48-54.
    16. L. Zou, Z. Pei, H. R. Karimi, P. Shi, The Unbalanced Linguistic Aggregation Operator in Group Decision Making, Mathematical Problem in Engineering 2012, Article ID 619162, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/619162.
    17. J. Yang, Z. Pei, L. Zou, K. Qin, Feature extraction of radio signals using attribute reduction of formal concepts, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 7(5) (2011) 3331-3343.
    18. X. Zhang, Z. Pei, Y. Liu,Some indexes for comparing and selecting partitions,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 4(2) (2011) 153-164.
    19. L. Zou, D. Ruan, Z. Pei, Y. Xu, A linguistic-valued lattice implication algebra approach for risk analysis, Journal of Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 17(4) (2011) 293-302.
    20. D. Meng, Z. Pei, The linguistic computational models based on index of linguistic label, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 18(1) (2010) 9-20.
